Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World and this Mom

"Give the ones you love wings to fly, roots to come back and reasons to stay."  Dalai Lama

It feels good to love and it feels good to be loved.  Love connects our hearts, connects our minds and deepens our connection with one another.  Allowing our loved ones to be themselves and to have the freedom to be who they are is a true sense of love.

When we give others wings and roots we are investing both time and energy into them.  We share valuable lessons of life, spend interesting and meaningful moments in conversation with them and show unconditional love towards them.

I gave my younger daughter a huge hug, lots of kisses and a few tears as she began her trek across the United State to settle, work and live in the state of Washington recently.  I know in my heart this is part of her journey of her life.  Everything I did through her growing up years was to prepare her to become independent and productive.  She is a loving daughter and continues to develop into her best self, with interests, dreams and excitement that comes with discovering life.  Her confidence and wisdom will serve her well.  My unconditional love and genuine acceptance will always give her support wherever life leads her to be.  By giving her wings provides the understanding to trust her inner widsom to soar, reach and discover her potential and her successes.  She will know her greatness!  My love and acceptance is always there for her.  Believe in your potential, dear Haley.  Be everything you choose to be.


Posted on November 18, 2015 .